In one of his latest posts, Aswath Damodaran put his fingers on a quite interesting side-effect of the well-known Softbank/WeWork story. Could it be that Softbank simply bought into the struggling…
Change is part of doing business. Today more than ever. And where there is change in the business there is also need for change in the reporting structure. IFRS 8 (Operating Segments) requires…
We know a couple of investors who once scratched their heads about the Chemring Group Plc. 2011 annual report (reporting date 31 October) and then decided to set a reminder alert for the next time…
In this blog we recently discussed some cases where the concept of control (HERE) or the existence of related-party transactions (HERE) played a major role. In fact, both topics share a common basic…
(English version of the VALUESQUE German blog post, 14 February 2019) As a starting point today, we do a little math exercise: what is the expected value of a 100 Euro future cash flow, realized at…
On 16 October 2019, short seller Shadowfall issued a report on Eurofins, a Luxembourg-based laboratory services provider, raising several concerns regarding – amongst others – opaque intragroup and…
IFRS is quite clear on what should be reported in the income statement for determining operating profit measures: Everything that generally qualifies as a revenue or an expense! There are no…
Unilever has just announced a couple of days ago that they have changed the way of how to tackle hyperinflationary accounting topics for the calculation of one of its core KPIs, the “organic sales…
The German transportation-focussed engineering company Schaltbau Holding AG went through a deep performance valley during the last years. With ca. 45 mio Euro cumulative operating losses between 2015…
(English version of the VALUESQUE German blog post, 4 February 2019) Impairments and what investors can read from them is an evergreen in financial statement analysis. Today we have a look at a very…
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