Thinking in Values and about Value is no longer a pure Investment and Appraisal Topic anymore. That is why VALUESQUE supports Companies in identifying and strengthening Values as well as in establishing a modern Value(s) oriented Management.
Whether it is about partial Analyses or holistic Solutions, whether for the Supervisory Board or the Management, whether small Business or large Corporation: We offer tailor-made Solutions! We are particularly strong in Including the not-so-obvious Value Drivers, e.g. Extra-Financials which are not mapped in the Corporate Financial Reporting, into the economic Decision Making System. VALUESQUE stands for the Combination of Financial Value-Added and Corporate Value Mentality.
Contribution of Extra-Financials to the Success of Companies
Value-Oriented Management Systems that are able to adequately map actual Values
Cases, in which a pure number-based Value-Management Systems is a good Solution

1. Value(s)-Based Management
ESG is more than „Green Washing“, Reputation is more than avoiding ethical Pitfalls, and Extra-Financials can very quickly translate into hard Cash Flows. In times of Digitalisation, the Value Drivers of a Company are often off-Balance Sheet and are more difficult to quantify. Even more so it is important to have a clear economic Concept, a Business Case, to include such Aspects (and some more) into the Management of Companies. If you want to be successful on a sustainable Basis you have to consider already today the whole Range of Factors that might drive your Company’s Value tomorrow. VALUESQUE is your Partner to establish, implement and live a holistic, modern Value(s)-based Corporate Management System – we combine your Value Understanding with our Valuation Experience.
2. „You never value alone!“
Value-Based Management is an ongoing Process. Establishing and Implementing such a System is often only the first Step. It further requires continuous Feedback and Learning Effects in order to create a powerful Tool. In particular the building of a “Value Culture” is something that takes Time and Efforts. VALUESQUE accompanies you on your Journey to shape a strong and holistic Value-based System. And you determine the Intensity of our support: Only some Feedback from time to time? Regular Value Workshops? Or rather a fully integrated external Value Management? You decide!

3. Corporate Investments
As a matter of course we also support Corporate Managers in making Investment Decisions. Be it for a Fairness Opinion, as a classic Investment Advisory or in Finding Projects with “Impact” Character.
4. “Book Value!”
Book Value! Book our Experts for Learning more about Value! For a couple of Hours or a whole Day – our Experts are your Sparring Partners for everything concerning Value and Valuation. We take care about your Information Needs and Questions, discuss Problems in Theory as well as in a practical Setting (and using real World Cases). You write the Agenda, we deliver!